A Bridge Needs Daily Brushing and Flossing

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Even though your new dental bridge is made from artificial materials that are not vulnerable to the ravages of tooth decay, it will still need to be brushed and flossed twice per day. Gum disease can still pose a very serious threat to the long-term integrity of your dental bridge in Bend, Oregon.

When plaque and residual food particles are not effectively cleaned away from your teeth and gumline, they can harden into tartar. Tartar at the gumline is the leading cause of periodontal disease.

Chronic gum disease can cause your gums to recede from the base of your teeth, forming pockets of infection near the roots of the abutments that anchor your bridge in place. At the same time, the pervasive bacteria can slowly compromise the seam where your bridge is cemented to one or both of the abutments.

Including your bridge in your oral hygiene routine helps remove residual food particles and plaque, preventing tartar. If you’re having trouble cleaning in and around the bridge, you might want to try using an interdental brush, a floss threader with waxy floss or a dental water jet.

If you have questions or concerns about the best way to clean and maintain your bridge, you can always call Central Oregon Dental Center at 541-389-0300 to seek further advice from your dentist, Dr. Michael Hall.